星期六, 十月 21, 2006

John Lennon - Imagine

-- 纪念John Lennon的朋友总是有好地献上鲜花及礼物。

引自 我爱英语网,非常感谢: Fontaine

在这个纷繁芜杂的世界上,追名逐利的人成千上万,但也不乏淡泊明志者。当然在音乐的世界里也不例外。有的音乐人沉湎于个人的欲望与追求,而又的音 乐人则放眼世界,醉心于公益事业,关注民间疾苦,说得夸张一点,即更“无产阶级”一些。毫无疑问,John· Lennon属于后者。尤其在他为了大野洋子而离开了Beatles之后,它作为青年一代精神领袖的霸主地位更是无人可动摇。

叛逆、狂放、不羁、才华横溢是我对他的最初印象;博爱、执著、敏锐、英勇无畏是我对他的最终认识,因为我听了他的《Imagine》。第一次听到这首歌是 在我跨入大学校门不久。我一下子就为它那朴实无华的曲风,简单至极的伴奏,还有John ·Lennon那如泉水般清澈的声音所折服。Imagine 这样的一个场景:你静静的躺在一片青草地上,一阵仙乐姗姗飘来。伴随着由弱及强的钢琴声,琴键被按下的每一个瞬间都让你觉得自己的心在颤动。当John ·Lennon 那干净利落的声音响起时,你又会觉得有一股清泉缓缓的流过心田,你的周遭散发着淡淡的清茶的香味。当你仔细聆听,细细品味从John ·Lennon口里流出的每个单词时,你又会情不自禁的随着优美的钢琴声同John ·Lennon一起Imagine。你的思绪带着青草与泥土的芬芳在空气中从流飘荡,任意东西。你的眼前浮现的是一幅幅优美的画卷。它向你展现了一个大同 的极乐世界。那里没有国界,没有战争,没有宗教的束缚,没有尔虞我诈,没有饥饿与贫困,没有灾难与疾苦。有的只是蓝天白云下生活的一群充满爱心的精灵,有 的只是关爱、幸福、快乐。

其实现在想来,John ·Lennon不是一个社会活动家,更不是一个政治家,但他的思想光辉早已胜过一个政治家。他不是预言家,但是,当美国发动对阿富汗和伊拉克的战争时,当 突如其来的非典阴云笼罩在我们头上时,当禽流感又再度令人恐慌时,我们又不得不承认John ·Lennon的目光是多么深远,他的理想是多么伟大,他所Imagine的不正是人们所期望的吗。所以说John ·Lennon早已跳出了音乐的范畴,将目光投向了更为广阔的世界。

但是若要体味John ·Lennon的精神还是得通过他的音乐。在他的音乐中,他的思想与精神毫无保留的表露了出来。只要用心去聆听,去体会,你会受益匪浅。John ·Lennon虽然过早地离开了我们,但他的精神却影响了一代又一代青年人。我想若要给他的精神与思想定一个保鲜期的话,那就是永远。

John Lennon - Imagine


Imagine there is no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for and no religion too
Imagine all people living life in peace

You may say I’m a dreamer,but I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will be as one

Imagine no possession
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world
You may say I’m a dreamer ,but I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will live as one

John Lennon, God Bless You Forever!

John Lennon, God Bless You Forever!
1940年十月九日,John Lennon出生于英国Liverpool。16岁时,Aunt Mimi送给John一把吉他。
1956 年John组了第一个乐队the Quarrymen,团员有Pete Shotton, NigelWhalley和Ivan Vaughan。 1957年7月6日John到认识了Paul McCartney,对他的记歌词能力、乐器素养与演奏技巧大为激赏,John邀请Paul加入the Quarrymen作为主吉他手。
1958年,John写了他生平第一首歌,"Hello Little Girl",这首歌在1962年由他们的经纪人Brain Epstein录起来,作为给Decca Records的试听带,可惜Decca Records的老板不喜欢。
1961年1月,The Beatles在the Cavern Club正式演出,在这儿的演出,为他们的锦绣前程铺了一条星光大道。
1964年2月7日,The Beatles展开第一次美国巡回表演,二月九号The Beatles参加了The "Ed Sullivan Show on CBS",预估有超过四千万美国民众收看,而且他们也被安排与Elvis Presley会面。
1969年11月,John Lennon在伦敦的画展上认识了Yoko,Yoko的艺术倾向严重地影响了John,也促使了The Beatles的解散。
1970 年,Beatles最后一次公开表演是在apple唱片公司屋顶,拍摄"Let It Be"的MTV。John认为Paul的"Get Back"歌词意有所指, "get back to where you once belonged",可是John已是吃了秤陀铁了心,决心离团。 John Lennon的音乐,早期时受Chuck Berry,Little Richard,Everyly Brothers, Buddy Holly的影响,64年认识Bob Dylan后,音乐思想就更深沉一些,和Yoko结婚以后,John真正成为具无产阶级意识的音乐艺术家。
1980年12月8日,John在他的公寓门口被枪杀,凶手Mark David Chapman总共开了五枪。

R.E.M. - Man on the moon

Man on the moon, 内地翻译为“月亮上的人”,十分恶心人的一个译名,单纯从字面上逐字逐词的英文译名现象,在内地时常出现: Tom Cruise 主演的Top Gun港译"壮志凌云"被无情地翻译为啼笑皆非的"好大一杆枪";
Man on the moon港译“娱人先生”,到喉到肺的译名,讲述了Andy Kaufman的光辉而短暂的一生, 里面有两首歌值得向大家推荐。

R.E.M. -
Man on the moon

Mott the Hoople and the Game of Life. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Andy Kaufman in the wrestling match. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Monopoly, twenty one, checkers, and chess. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Mister Fred Blassie in a breakfast mess. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Let's play Twister, let's play Risk. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
See you in heaven if you make the list. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Hey Andy, did you hear about this one? Tell me, are you locked in the punch?
Hey Andy, are you goofing on Elvis? Hey baby, are we losing touch?
If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there's nothing up his sleeve, then nothing is cool

Moses went walking with the staff of wood. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Newton got beaned by the apple good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Egypt was troubled by the horrible asp. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Mister Charles Darwin had the gall to ask. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Hey Andy, did you hear about this one? Tell me, are you locked in the punch?
Hey Andy, are you goofing on Elvis? Hey baby, are you having fun?
If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there's nothing up his sleeve, then nothing is cool

Here's a little agit for the never-believer. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Here's a little ghost for the offering. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Here's a truck stop instead of Saint Peter's. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Mister Andy Kaufman's gone wrestling (wrestling bears). Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Hey Andy, did you hear about this one? Tell me, are you locked in the punch?
Hey Andy, are you goofing on Elvis? Hey baby, are we losing touch?
If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool

If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there's nothing up his sleeve, then nothing is cool
If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there's nothing up his sleeve, then nothing is cool
If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there's nothing up his sleeve, then nothing is cool

R.E.M., Andy, Tony - This Friendly World
[ANDY:] Hi, Michael.
[MICHAEL:] Hi, Andy. Thanks for joining us. Do you
wanna ... you wanna sing a song together?
[ANDY:] Sure! Is it a sweet song?
[MICHAEL:] Yeah, it's real sweet.
[ANDY:] O.K.!
[They laugh.]
In this friendly, friendly world
With each day so full of joy
Why should any heart be lonely?
[ANDY:] My turn!
In this friendly, friendly world
With each night so full of dreams
Why should any heart be afraid?
The world is ...
... such a wonderful place
To wander through
When you've got someone you love
To wander along with you
[ANDY:] O.K., now take every second word! With ...
[MICHAEL:] ... the ...
[ANDY:] ... sky ...
[MICHAEL:] ... so ...
[ANDY:] ... full ...
[MICHAEL:] ... of ...
[ANDY:] ... stars
[MICHAEL:] And ...
[ANDY:] ... the ...
[MICHAEL:] ... river ...
[ANDY:] ... so ...
[MICHAEL:] ... full ...
[ANDY:] ... of ...
[MICHAEL:] ... song, Every ...
[ANDY:] ... heart ...
[MICHAEL:] ... should ...
[ANDY:] ... be ...
[MICHAEL:] ... so ...
[ANDY:] ... thankful
It's a friendly world! Don't you think so, Michael?
[TONY:] Oh yeah?! What's so friendly about it?!!
This is Tony Clifton, and, and I demand a part in
this song! I'm just as big a part of the movie as
these guys are! And, and I will not sit back while
some sought-after Colonel Kurtz wanna-be, uh, uh
has his day in the sun! I think he's enough
boring! I think, um, uh-uh, Michael here should, uh
sit this one out! At least the next verse, or so!
[ANDY:] Is that O.K., Michael?
[ANDY:] I don't think you have a choice.
[MICHAEL: (laughs)] O.K.
The world is such a wonderful place
Ha! to wander a-through!
Ah, when you've got someone you luh-huuuv
Ah, to wander along, ah, with yooo-hoooooo!
O.K., you go...
[MICHAEL:] With the sky so full of stars
[ANDY:] And the river so full of song
[MICHAEL:] Welcome back, Andy. Every heart should be ...
[MICHAEL & ANDY:] ... so thankful
[ANDY:] Thankful for this friendly, friendly world
Thank you, Michael!
[MICHAEL:] Thanks, Andy!
[ANDY:] Thank you all for this friendly, friendly world!
[TONY:] Thanks for nothing! K, where's the girls?
They in a chopper? The guy's got a chopper, right?

The Scorpions - Acoustica

The Scorpions来自德国(Western Germany) ,提起天蠍合唱團Scorpions就不得不讓人對其豎起大姆指,成軍於1969年,樂齡超過30年的搖滾老將,早已是德國國寶級的樂團之一。在1990年的时候,有一首名为 “Wind Of Change” 的摇滚歌曲曾风靡全球也是他们创作的。第一次接触他们的现场演出是《Acoustica》,在他們和柏林愛樂管絃樂團合作後便著手這場位於葡萄牙首都里斯本的不插電演唱會。為了充滿展現不插電的聲音魅力,他們還特別尋找了一處音響空間效果十足的場地來展現他們首次的不插電演出,當然在原團員編制外也搭配了一位打擊樂手、三位性感美女合聲、氣質美女大提琴及曾在與柏林愛樂管絃樂團合作時擔任指揮的Christian Kolonovits擔任鍵盤手。演出期間更有多位美豔女性舞者跳著煽情誘惑的The Zoo、傷感的Still Loving You、拉丁風味的Holiday,西女牛仔裝扮的Tease Me Please Me,十分具有看頭。 整整113分鐘的演唱會實況在其主唱獨特高亢、充滿情感的唱腔裡首次將多首原本強勁的搖滾歌曲以不同的面貌展現另外的搖滾風味,非常過癮,當然,聽Scorpions唱歌一定要聽他們的搖滾情歌,諸如Holiday(佛朗明哥版本喔!)、Always Somewhere、Still Loving You早已是公認國歌級的搖滾情歌。另外他們還重新詮釋了三首相當知名的歌曲:Kansas的經典作品Dust In The Wind、Queen的情歌小品Love Of My Life、The Cars的感人作品Drive,相當值得仔細品味。

1 Loving you Sunday Morning
2 Is There Antbody There
3 The Zoo
4 Always Somewhere
5 Life Is Too Short
6 Holiday
7 You And I
8 When Love Kills Love
10 Dust In The Wind
11 Send Me An Angel
12 Under The Same Sun
13 Rhythm Of Love
14 Back To You
15 Catch Your Train
16 I Wanted To Cry
17 Hurricane 2001
18 Wind Of Change
19 Love Of My Life
20 Drive
21 Stilling Loving You

R.E.M. - Rapid Eye MoveMents

Mike Mills 弹奏着十几年前的bass,bass guitar已经掉漆了.整场《The Perfect Square》演唱会录像中,最惨烈的是:镜头前很多女性实在有点对不起观众,下面这位除外:
Peter Buck 边上的那位大哥很cool:
现场演出极具个人魅力的摇滚艺术家 ,感性、真实、自然。Micheal Stipe
Peter Buck 很有贵族的味道吧?个人意见而已。


R.E.M -
睡眠时的快速眼动(Rapid Eye Movements,REM)及其周期对记忆的形成与巩固有重要作用.在清醒状态下,人的眼动就是为了获得视觉信息,如果涉及记忆任务,这就是编码阶段的 具体行动.另外,问题解决过程也有眼动参与.总体看来,眼动和记忆之间是一种双向的关系,适当的眼动训练或许能够提高记忆成绩.(引自丁锦红 张钦 郭春彦《眼睛运动如何与记忆相关?》)

最喜欢R.E.M的现场演出,特别是看了张晓舟先生的文章后,《Live at Perfect Square》是在我电脑上热播了整个月的演出,
我们一直都在寻找D9版本的《The Perfect Square》,还没有找到在去年的Live 8演出上,R.E.M也亲临了英国海德公园现场,主唱Micheal让在场10多万观众的疯狂举高双手欢呼,唱和。很让人不能理解的是,尽管是已飞黄腾达的Micheal Stipe怎么会穿着一双已经龟裂的皮靴,Mike Mills更是拿着一把掉漆的bass guitar在演奏。

《Drive》、《The one I love》、《Everybody hurts》、《Man on the moon》、《Losing my religion》、《What ‘s the frequency,Kenneth》.

《Man on the moon》也是电影《娱人先生》的名称。歌曲于1992年出版而电影是1999年出版。电影主要讲述Andy Kaufman的短暂而辉煌的一生,片中主角由Jim Carrey出演并成功演绎深入民心的Andy 形象。片中还出现了 Late Show 的David Letterman,一个Talk Show 可以在电视屏幕中存活几十载真的是难得,不过Davie好像没怎么改变过。在电影原声大碟中Micheal和Jim还合唱了一首《ThisFriendly World 》,电影结束前由 Jim Carrey独唱这首歌。

以下文章转载自《南方都市报》,非常感谢作者: 张晓舟先生。
李劲松有一次他问我把Depeche Mode请来如何,他说11年前Depeche Mode在香港大球场有4万人看。我当然是摇头的,不信去看一看3 月20日在湾仔会展中心的REM专场,4000人的场馆坐了八成人,但至少八成是老外!在香港,国外著名乐队、乐人的演出,老外观众占到五成六成,比如近 年的滚石和戴维·鲍依。但像REM现场这样几乎上演全洋帮,说明的究竟是香港的国际化程度更甚了,还是香港乐迷的整体水准下降了?在现场见到黄耀明,但你 能指望见到陈奕迅吗?   
去年Placebo只是在更小的九龙塘的国际会展中心演,气氛很棒,但也只有千把人,和此前不久的Placebo巴黎现场相比只有十分之一,同样, REM香港现场和REM2003年德国“完美广场(Perfect Square)”现场也没法比,市面上广为流传的这张REM德国现场DVD让人对这支 老牌乐队的现场五体投地,在名胜古迹露天狂欢当然比在室内场馆壮观很多。
和2003年相比,REM的变化就是多了一张专辑的新歌。他们演遍了新专辑的每一首歌,这正是我事先担心的,REM新专辑没有一首歌我喜欢,他们一开 场连演了7首新歌,灌了我半个钟头的白开水。直到《Drive》一唱,熟悉的REM才从睡梦中惊醒!好在经典曲目也基本没少,新歌挤占掉的是从《怪物》 (Monster)之后的专辑的那些歌,而《怪物》之后REM就一蟹不如一蟹了,尽管《高保真历险地》整体氛围不错,但也没什么适合现场演绎的REM式长 青旋律,而《高保真历险地》之后REM的三张专辑全是失败的。然而谁会忘记这些金曲呢?以下6首歌不唱是下不了台的——《Drive》、《The one I love》、《Everybody hurts》、《Man on the moon》、《Losing my religion》、《What ‘s the frequency,Kenneth》,本来以为他们会再来一次Encore,演那首歌名长得吓人的《It’s the end of the world as we know(and I feel fine)》,在全场“I feel fine”合唱中谢幕,可惜这一次没有世界末日 可唱。

REM从作品看多年走下坡路,但现场却越来越炉火纯青,与U2的Bono越来越力不从心的男高音相比,Michael Stipe的男中音始终游刃有 余。REM的现场每一个细节都无可挑剔,每一个毛孔都那么舒服。Michael Stipe充满了纽约式的机智,而他和Mike Mills、Peter Buck三个人身上,25年前“校园乐队”的青葱依旧。   
在2003年德国,Michael Stipe额头上涂上一层目眩的红色,这一次额头到眼圈涂的却是诡秘的黑色,而作为贸易公平运动形象代表,他在宣 传单上一身蓝衣,任牛奶从头顶倾盆泼下。红、黑、白,这是另一个中年人给你的一点颜色,和崔健在《农村包围城市》中的本土热忱相比,Michael Stipe胸怀全世界,那天恰逢出兵伊拉克两周年,Michael Stipe免不了借机嘲讽美国政府。他还是反对全球化倾销的干将,香港乐施会以浑身牛 奶的Michael Stipe的形象昭告世人:欧盟政府不惜每天向国内牧场发放每头牛2欧元补贴令奶制品产量供过于求,只好贱价倾销到穷国,令穷国牧民 大受打击。
但我们不会反对唱片行业的倾销,为中国乐迷带来贱价的原盘,REM唱片如今一二十元就可以买到。然而1992年那张《Automatic for People》,我当年不满足于打口磁带,又原价买了CD。如今的REM以及U2这样的乐队,已进入伟大、光荣、正确的神坛,政治正确,音乐正确,情感正 确,用Howie B评价U2新专辑的话来说就是“Very nice”——然而nice一词总给人奶油兮兮之感,安逸而平庸。在湾仔看REM,一丝怅 惘,一丝感激,在当年,《Drive》曾经伴随我,在那个阴冷的冬天走过一个又一个街头——“Hey,Kid……”

AL GREEN - The Supreme

接触Al Green, 首次来自《Pulp Fiction》(《危险人物》)Soundtrack, 接着是《The Notting Hill》(《摘奇缘》), 然后是今年公映颇具争议的《Munich》。优秀的电影作品通常会细心为观众收录优秀的音乐作品,电影意图全方位: “视觉冲击+听觉冲击”展示,常让像我这样的观众对电影念念不忘。

Al Green是美国骚灵歌史上还活着的最伟大人物之一。可以说是灵魂乐三大大师之一.是Rhythm and Blues Foundation Pioneer Awards(节奏与布鲁斯开拓者奖)终身成就大奖得主.他的音乐影响了无数的人.也影响了灵魂乐的发展.他的一首let's stay together.可以说是灵魂乐中不能再经典的经典了. 上世纪70年代到80年代初,他在孟菲斯的传奇Hi厂牌录制的一系列唱片,完全就是性感灵乐的概念版,其中大部分至今仍可谓永不过时的经典。12年来, Al Green第一次回到了他的灵歌根源——这张新唱片的制作人是Willie Mitchell,他曾制作Al在Hi厂牌所有的经典唱片。这张由著名爵士厂牌Blue Note发行的新唱片,表明这10多年来,Al Green一直潜心于挖掘灵魂最深处的声音,创作他最热爱的音乐。这次他来得雄心勃勃——他想撼动的,不只是你的身体你的心灵,还有你的灵魂;以全新的音 律,令人匪夷所思的方式。 1946年生于美国阿肯色洲Forrest市的Al Green,9岁时为福音4重唱The Green Brothers 的一员,16岁与高中朋友合唱R&B团Al Green and the Creations,直至1969年受到Hi唱片制作人Willie Mitchell赏识而开始合作,在Hi厂牌的70年代初期,浸染在一片柔滑的灵魂乐中,他连贯起深灵魂与轻柔灵魂的特色融入福音的元素、性感的合音与浓 烈的弦乐,树立起自己独有的风格.

01. Tired Of Being Alone
02. Call Me (Come Back Home)
03. I'm Still In Love With You
04. Here I Am (Come And Take Me)
05. Love And Happiness

06. Let's Stay Together 下载

07. I Can't Get Next To You

08. You Ought To Be With Me

09. Look What You Done For Me

10. Let's Get Married

11. Livin' For You

12. Sha La La (Make Me Happy)

13. L-O-V-E (Love)

14. Full Of Fire

15. Belle

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man

Simple Man, 平凡人。第一次听这首歌曲是其作为纪录片《Free Bird the Movie - Lynyrd Skynyrd》片尾曲,旋律非常引人入胜,是一听就会喜欢上的歌曲。另外,部分朋友听到这首歌,估计是来自2000年摇滚电影《Almost Famous》原声大碟。

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man
2.《Almost Famous》电影原声版本

Mama told me when I was young
Come sit beside me, my only son
And listen closely to what I say.
And if you do this
It'll help you some sunny day.
Oh, take your time... Don't live too fast,
Troubles will come and they will pass.
Go find a woman, oh baby, you'll find love,
And don't forget son,
There is someone up above.

And be a simple kind of man.
Be something you love and understand.
Baby be a simple, kind of man.
Oh, won't you do this for me son,
If you can?

Forget your lust for the rich man's gold
All that you need, is in your soul,
And you can do this, oh baby, if you try.
All that I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied.

Boy, don't you worry... you'll find yourself.
Follow your heart, lord, and nothing else.
And you can do this, oh baby, if you try.
All that I want for you my son,
Is to be satisfied.

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Red White And Blue

这是Lynyrd Skynyrd 最具批判性的作品之一,在我所有观看的现场演出DVD中未曾演绎过。优秀的作品没有被收录,但是未找到任何报道与之相关。三色旗曾是法国大革命的象征,据说三色分别代表自由、平等、博爱。歌词中My hair's turning white, my neck's always been red, my collar's still blue。大意:我的头发正在花白,我的脖子仍然是红色(辛苦劳作的农民背对太阳),我还是蓝领。明显在嘲讽government of U.S.A 。

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Red White And Blue 下载

We don't have no plastic L.A. Frynds,
ain't on the edge of no popular trend.
Ain't never seen the inside of that magazine GQ.
We don't care if you 're a lawyer, or a texas oil man,
or some waitress busting ass in some liquor stand.
If you got SoulWe hang out with people just like you

My hair's turning white,
my neck's always been red,
my collar's still blue,
we've always been here just trying to sing the truth to you.
Yes you could say we've always been, Red, White, and Blue

Ride our own bikes To Sturgis we pay our own dues,
smoking camels, drinking domestic BREWS
You want to know where I have been
just look at my handsYeah,
I've driven by the White House,
Spent some time in jail.
Momma cried but she still wouldn't pay my bail.
I ain't been no angel, But even God, he understands.

My hair's turning white,
my neck's always been red,
my collar's still blue,
we've always been here just trying to sing the truth to you.
Yes you could say we've always been, Red, White, and

Yeah that's right!

My Daddy worked hard, and so have I,
paid our taxes and gave our lives to serve this great country
so what are they complaining about
Yeah we love our families, we love our kids
you know it is love that makes us all so rich
That's where were at,If they don't like it they can just
get the HELL out!


My hair's turning white,
my neck's always been red,
my collar's still blue,
we've always been here just trying to sing the truth to you.
Yes you could say we've always been, Red, White, and Blue
oh..oh..Red, White, and Blue....Red, White, and Blue
oh..oh....Red, White, and Blue

星期五, 十月 20, 2006

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama

Sweet Home Albama的创作缘由:据闻是由于Neil Young在Southern Man 批判南方人保守意識形態的歌,火力四射,後來激得Lynyrd Skynyrd寫出Sweet Home Alabama反唇相譏。后来,还有部电影以命名,电影不错,推荐各位看看。

不管是歌曲还是电影同样都表现出,美国南方人对曾经的生活也是充满着感情的。Lynyrd Skynyrd在几场现场演出中悬挂当年未统一的美国南方旗帜(Confederate Flag);同样,在电影中女主角Milena的父亲及父辈们还会重新穿着上美国南北战争时的战衣,重新演绎当时南方军队最终惨败的一幕。
下面注释来源于维基百科全书,翻译如下:大家都认为乡村乐队Lynyrd Skynyrd写此歌是为了回击Neil Young在Southern man中所表达的对南方人的观点。实际上Lynyrd Skynyrd只是写首歌来展示南方的美好。Lynyrd Skynyrd成员与Neil Young是好朋友,Young经常说他喜欢Sweet home Alabama这首歌及Lynyrd Skynyrd的主唱Ronnie Van Zant。Van Zant在演唱Sweet home Alabama时也经常穿着印着Young的T-shirt。Neil Young在Sounthern Man中表达了对南方人使用黑奴的不满,提醒南方人的种族主义有一天总会“pay them back”。文中提到的Muscl Shoals市在Tennessee河边,以其世界闻名的唱片工业著称。

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama 下载1 下载2
Big wheels keep on turning
Carry me home to see my kin
Singing songs about the Southland
I miss Alabamy once again
And I think its a sin, yes

Well I heard mister Young sing about her
Well, I heard ole Neil put her down
Well, I hope Neil Young will remember
A Southern man don't need him around anyhow

Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet Home Alabama
Lord, I'm coming home to you

In Birmingham they love the governor
Now we all did what we could do
Now Watergate does not bother me
Does your conscience bother you?
Tell the truth

Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet Home Alabama
Lord, I'm coming home to you

Now Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers
And they've been known to pick a song or two
Lord they get me off so much
They pick me up when I'm feeling blue
Now how about you?

Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet Home Alabama
Lord, I'm coming home to you

Sweet home Alabama
Oh sweet home baby
Where the skies are so blue
And the governor's true
Sweet Home Alabama
Lord, I'm coming home to you

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird

提起Lynyrd Skynyrd,估计知道这个乐队名字的人不会特别多,但是提起他们的很多着名的曲子估计很多人都有印象。这里弹琴的朋友有很多,我想以前国外的一个杂志评选的一百首最佳吉他solo歌曲大家一定知道,其中就有Lynyrd Skynyrd的着名歌曲Free Bird。在这首哥的开头有着一段很精彩的滑棒吉他演奏来模仿鸟叫的声音,歌曲旋律流畅动人,而且吉他演奏的非常精彩,可以说从音乐本身和演奏技术来看都是非常经典的作品。除此之外,像Simple Man和Sweet Home Alabama都可以说是非常经典的歌曲。他们的作品往往有着很浓厚的美国南部的乡土气息,交织着Blues、乡村的音乐风格。

Free Bird 和 Sweet Home Alabama 都是著名的《Forrest Gump》"阿甘正传"中的电影插曲。

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird

If I leave here tomorrow
Would you still remember me?
For I must be travelling on, now, There's too many places I haven't seen
And if I stayed here with you, now Things just wouldn't be the same
Well I'm as free as a bird now, And a bird you can not change.
And a bird you can not change.
And a bird you can not change. Lord knows I can't change .......
Bye, bye, its been a sweet love.
And though this feeling I can't change.
Please don't take it badly, The Lord knows I'm to blame.
And, if I stayed here with you now Things just wouldn't be the same.
For I'm as free as a bird now, And this bird you'll never change.
And the bird you can not change.
And the bird you can not change.
Lord knows, I can't change.
Lord help me, I can't change.