A Country Boy Can Survive
不敢上街去,城市的嘈雜煩囂讓正常人感到煩躁不安,馬路就真的是馬路,依照紅綠燈指示且要快步前行,否則隨時都會有生命危險,再者我并不是滿清士兵,胸前沒有掛著“勇”字;不敢進入超市,因其只會出售與已收回的殖民地質感相差甚遠的商品,意圖與國際接軌之偉大心愿成為泡影; 不太愿意乘坐巴士,因為我實在沒有體格上的本錢,和其他勇者"爭先",又或者我并不“恐後”,不過窮困又讓我沒有選擇,興許只有讓雙腳盡量解決出行問題;不敢上公共廁所,因其夾雜著the most fantasy smell of our motherland,讓我在如廁期間窒息之外,胃中未消化的食物殘渣大有傾胃而出之勢;
山仔:hick, courty boy, hill boy, mountain boy.
Hank Williams Jr. - A Country Boy Can Survive
The preacher man says it’s the end of time
And the Mississippi River she’s a goin’ dry
The interest is up and the Stock Markets down
And you only get mugged
If you go down town
I live back in the woods, you see
A woman and the kids, and the dogs and me
I got a shotgun rifle and a 4-wheel drive
And a country boy can survive
Country folks can survive
I can plow a field all day long
I can catch catfish from dusk till dawn
We make our own whiskey and our own smoke too
Ain’t too many things these ole boys can’t do
We grow good ole tomatoes and homemade wine
And a country boy can survive
Country folks can survive
Because you can’t starve us out
And you cant makes us run
Cause one-of- ‘em old boys raisin ole shotgun
And we say grace and we say Ma’am
And if you ain’t into that we don’t give a damn
We came from the West Virginia coalmines
And the Rocky Mountains and the and the western skies
And we can skin a buck; we can run a crop line
And a country boy can survive
Country folks can survive
I had a good friend in New York City
He never called me by my name, just hillbilly
My grandpa taught me how to live off the land
And his taught him to be a businessman
He used to send me pictures of the Broadway nights
And I’d send him some homemade wine
But he was killed by a man with a switchblade knife
For 43 dollars my friend lost his life
Id love to spit some beechnut in that dudes eyes
And shoot him with my old 45
Cause a country boy can survive
Country folks can survive
Cause you can’t starve us out and you can’t make us run
Cause one-of- ‘em old boys raisin ole shotgun
And we say grace and we say Ma’am
And if you ain’t into that we don’t give a damn
We’re from North California and south Alabam
And little towns all around this land
And we can skin a buck; we can run a crop line
And a country boy can survive
Country folks can survive
Hank Williams Jr. - A Country Boy Can Survive(Live).flv
Hank Williams Jr. - A Country Boy Can Survive(MTV).flv
Hank Williams Jr. - A Country Boy Can Survive.mp3